Monday, February 12, 2018

Hair We Go - Chemo Round 2

You wanna know how long I've wanted to use that?  Well, not long since I'm "only" two months into
this, so I guess it's not long at all.

That wasn’t impressive.


Yup, some of the hair on my head is coming out.  Not much.  Just enough to think the Paxman isn't doing it's freezing-arse job, but it is.  I expect to lose about half of it.  Sounds like a ton, and it’s pretty freaky pulling out 12 at a time with one swipe of the comb, but it’s what I expected.  Little ticked off I still have hair on my legs and under my arms.  C’mon, I need some silver lining with this whole chemo-thing and not having to shave the pits or feel the wind beneath the hair on my legs is one of those linings.  And my lip hair.  Those can go the way of chemo too.

Too much?

8:30 is check in time.  8:32 I shall be declining the blood pressure cuff until AFTER they have accessed the port.  One less really high situation-induced number.  There’s enough on my charts that would have a psychologist drooling (“wait, she wanted rum in her blood sugar-regulating orange juice?” – well, yes, vodka before that and no one was bringing me any flipping vodka!). 
8:40 THEN they can take my blood pressure.

PS: These times aren’t real.  It takes FOREVER to unwrap all the pokey needle things and special gloves to access the port.

I would appreciate all the prayers and happy thoughts you all could send my way. For easy access to the port, for a very patient nurse, for me to remain calm and keep my eye on the prize, for good snacks, for Jeff to get wifi access...  You know, important stuff.

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